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Venue: Room 215 clear filter
Wednesday, June 11

1:15pm MDT

Implementing a Custom Benefits Enrollment Portal for Employees
Wednesday June 11, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
The San Juan School District is implementing a custom benefits enrollment portal for its employees to select their benefits options for the coming plan year. SQL backend, .NET Core front end.

An overview of the process of planning and building a web app to facilitate employee open enrollment and selection of health, dental, etc. benefits for the coming plan year. Employee selections will then be exported to LINQ ERP. Includes data file export and transmission to various benefits providers. Explanation of various platforms and technologies used, including SQL Server, .NET Core, Powershell, SFTP, and EDI. Questions from a business administration standpoint will also be discussed.

avatar for Jonathan English

Jonathan English

Data Specialist, San Juan School District
The good news is: reality is not what we think it is.The bad news is: reality is not what we think it is.

Jacob Rebman

IT Programmer, San Juan School District
Wednesday June 11, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 215

2:30pm MDT

Won't You Be Our Neighbor?
Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT
PBS content packaged in free, easy accessible resources, media galleries, interactive lessons and full lesson plans? Yes, please! This web based resource centered on PBS content from Daniel Tiger, to Nova, to Nature, to Frontline is for all teachers Prek-12 in any subject. It is easy to filter for subject and grade, easy to use in the classroom, and utilizes content from the most trusted public media brand in the country. Did I mention that it's free?

In this session, the PBS Utah education team will talk about technological resources that PBS has to offer educators such as PBS Learning Media, Student Reporting Labs Story Maker, Media Literacy Trainings and more.
avatar for Annie Frazier

Annie Frazier

Education Program Manager, PBS Utah
avatar for Melanie Pehrson-Noyce

Melanie Pehrson-Noyce

Education Coordinator, PBS Utah
An avid reader, mother of 3 small children, and a regular user of libraries, I believe in the power of public spaces and believe they are truly palaces for the people. I have worked for PBS Utah as Education Coordinator for 2 1/2 years, in which I facilitate the distribution of educational... Read More →
Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT
Room 215

3:45pm MDT

Five Keys to Emotional Resilience for IT Professionals
Wednesday June 11, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm MDT
This presentation will focus on identifying healthy thinking patterns, managing stress and anxiety, understanding sadness and depression, building healthy relationships and providing strength to others.

The presentation will answer the following questions: What is emotional resilience? How do our thoughts influence our emotions? What are the most common inaccurate thinking patterns? How can you validate others through listening? How can IT professionals increase their ability to adapt to stressful challenges? How does taking responsibility help increase peace and power? What’s the role of expressing gratitude? Rich Finlinson is a former director of communication for the Utah Education and Telehealth Network. He retired in June of 2023 after 25 years at UEN. Rich holds Master’s and Bachelor’s Degrees from the University of Utah and has been accredited by the Public Relations Society of America. He is an avid writer, photographer and lap swimmer. He and his wife Laura are the parents of five children and 18 grandchildren.
avatar for Rich Finlinson

Rich Finlinson

Retired Director, Communication, UETN
I will speak on Five Keys to Emotional Resilience for IT Professionals. I'm the retired director of communication for UETN. 
Wednesday June 11, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm MDT
Room 215
Thursday, June 12

8:30am MDT

Procurement Policies and Procedures
Thursday June 12, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Discuss UETN's Procurement deadlines and timelines. E-rate updates and changes.
Spreadsheets, box files, Q and A's session
avatar for Jerome Browning

Jerome Browning

State E-Rate Coordinator, Utah Education and Telehealth Network
As the designated primary provider of Internet access and the Wide Area Network for public education within Utah, the Utah Education Network is the single largest applicant for E-Rate funds in the state.  UEN serves as the E-Rate consortium lead in applying for and implementing the... Read More →
Thursday June 12, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Room 215

9:45am MDT

E-Rate Category 2
Thursday June 12, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am MDT
Discover new ways and explore historical steps used by many Utah E-Rate Applicants in filing for Category 2 E-rate Discounts. Working to make effective and efficient use of your final balance of Category 2 budgets for FY2025. Continue study of the UETN Statewide Network Consortium E-Rate application process and your school district or school or library Category 1 needs.

Brief introduction of E-Rate for beginners answering what E-Rate is and what E-Rate provides for school districts and schools. Review the primary differences between E-Rate Category 1 and Category 2 equipment and services as deployed in the State of Utah for schools and libraries. What E-Rate related services UETN provides verses other equipment and services that may be available with E-Rate Discounts. Your E-Rate Category 2 Budget for the FY2021 through FY2025 will be closing as of FY2025.
avatar for Jerome Browning

Jerome Browning

State E-Rate Coordinator, Utah Education and Telehealth Network
As the designated primary provider of Internet access and the Wide Area Network for public education within Utah, the Utah Education Network is the single largest applicant for E-Rate funds in the state.  UEN serves as the E-Rate consortium lead in applying for and implementing the... Read More →
Thursday June 12, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am MDT
Room 215

1:15pm MDT

From Vision to Action: District-Wide STEM Implementation
Thursday June 12, 2025 1:15pm - 3:30pm MDT
Discover the transformative power of STEM integration beyond computer science in Canyons School District's innovative initiative. Join us to explore how we're redefining teacher efficacy and revolutionizing student learning experiences. Learn how we bridge cutting-edge technology with curriculum, creating a seamless connection that enriches education district-wide.

In this presentation, we will delve into key components such as STEM Brain Boosters, STEAM Studio, classroom STEM integration, equipment checkout and distribution processes, the elementary STEM Endorsement, and other teacher professional development opportunities. We will learn how these elements synergize to transform education, enhance teacher efficacy, and maximize student learning experiences. Discover practical strategies, success stories, and best practices that can be adapted to empower your own educational institution's journey towards STEM integration and innovation.

Here is a link to our presentation.
avatar for Cynthia Lloyd

Cynthia Lloyd

Elementary STEM/Science/Math Specialist, Canyons School District
Cynthia Lloyd has presented at UTSTA, UCET, UCTM, FETC, UVU MakerCon, and C-Forum on topics related to Science, Math, STEM, and best practices for STEM integration. She is the elementary math, science, and STEM specialist for Canyons School District and is passionate about content... Read More →
avatar for Chandra Martz

Chandra Martz

Digital Teaching and Learning Specialist, Canyons School District
Chandra Martz has presented on topics such as STEM integration, EdTech Best Practice and more at UCET, UVU Makercon, and other local conferences. Chandra runs STEAM Studio in Canyons School District and has helped to create a strategic vision for STEAM in Canyons School District... Read More →
Thursday June 12, 2025 1:15pm - 3:30pm MDT
Room 215
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