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Thursday June 12, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
The ever-increasing scrutiny placed on areas of Cyber security and Data Privacy have served to highlight a growing tension between end users and those responsible for ensuring an organization’s data and security compliance. How do we, as IT professionals bridge the yawning chasm between end user goals/desires and effective security/privacy? IT professionals are not known for the so-called “soft skills” and often seem to speak an entirely different language. Is there a better way to approach these conversations? Is there a way to entice end users in various roles to also be part of the solution? We often hear about the importance of effective communication, but we need to go beyond that. We must find ways to encourage end user “buy-in” through collaboration and a willingness to explore alternatives. We need to become the Teddy Bear.
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Angela Thompson

Data Specialist, North Sanpete School District
Thursday June 12, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Room 213

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