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Thursday June 12, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am MDT
My kids go to school here, and I want them to be safe. HB 84 recently passed into law, but what does this actually look like? This session discuss the components needed to make it work. We can also talk about how it's working in other states that have implemented similar bills.

We will discuss the important parts of this bill and what is required from their teams to actually put it into action. First, we will talk about the "button" that activates the emergency response and notification systems. Then, we will address the notification systems and how to communicate with the teams who receive the notifications. Lastly, we will cover the connectivity and how we can ensure that the "button" functions properly. Additionally, we will include bonus content on other systems such as cameras, badge access, and AI integration that can assist in providing preemptive notifications. Our use case will show how Singlewire, Cisco and Kontakt.io is working together to provide this for existing school districts.

avatar for Clint Sorensen

Clint Sorensen

Systems Architect, Cisco Systems
Thursday June 12, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am MDT
Exhibitor Rm 201

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