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Thursday June 12, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
A communication professional's perspective regarding security incidents is on "what to say" as IT.

The vision for this is to start as an "interview" presentation where David, the security person, asks these questions of Sandra, the Communications Director, so she can answer them from the communications perspective. It would then transition into a more traditional presentation where she and I present some case studies about how other organizations have handled these types of incidents and what we can learn & What information is most critical to communicate? What level of detail is necessary / what do you really want to know? Why is it such a "big deal" legally to use the actual words to describe what was happening? What would happen if you let IT write the notification? Explain how word choice can impact public perception. Distinguish between terms like "breach," "incident," and "event." Discuss the importance of clear, concise, and accurate language
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David Bowman

David Bowman, Jordan School District
Systems and Security Manager at Jordan School District. Running our Security program for 58,000 students, 8,000 staff, and too many devices to enumerate. David has spent the last 8 years in and around technology in the K-12 environment. David's hobby is way too many Saintcon Minibadges... Read More →
Thursday June 12, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 203

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