PASSWORD: love2eduroam!


Thursday June 12, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am MDT
Discover new ways and explore historical steps used by many Utah E-Rate Applicants in filing for Category 2 E-rate Discounts. Working to make effective and efficient use of your final balance of Category 2 budgets for FY2025. Continue study of the UETN Statewide Network Consortium E-Rate application process and your school district or school or library Category 1 needs.

Brief introduction of E-Rate for beginners answering what E-Rate is and what E-Rate provides for school districts and schools. Review the primary differences between E-Rate Category 1 and Category 2 equipment and services as deployed in the State of Utah for schools and libraries. What E-Rate related services UETN provides verses other equipment and services that may be available with E-Rate Discounts. Your E-Rate Category 2 Budget for the FY2021 through FY2025 will be closing as of FY2025.
avatar for Jerome Browning

Jerome Browning

State E-Rate Coordinator, Utah Education and Telehealth Network
As the designated primary provider of Internet access and the Wide Area Network for public education within Utah, the Utah Education Network is the single largest applicant for E-Rate funds in the state.  UEN serves as the E-Rate consortium lead in applying for and implementing the... Read More →
Thursday June 12, 2025 9:45am - 10:45am MDT
Room 215

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