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Thursday June 12, 2025 1:15pm - 3:30pm MDT
Communication capability is a critical component of school safety and emergency preparedness.  Utah H.B. 84 (specifically IFC, Chapter 5, Section 510.1 and IFC Chapter 11, Section 1103.2) and Alyssa's Law address this need with new requirements for all schools in the state.

An expert panel, including bill sponsor Utah Senator Don Ipson and John Foley from the Safer Buildings Coalition, will discuss the new legislation enacted in Utah, H.B. 84 applicable to all schools in the state, both public and private. https://urldefense.com/v3/__https://le.utah.gov/*2024/bills/static/HB0084.html__;fg!!DZfPdMygIw!HmdNW3oj4U3Y0FFjlUKa9GEgpoU5XBJqWHaFwgQWN4GwlBgmVsZ4IYHpdgZEDoZb3cUI4H4TNfaAT8mmLQRKw5hPU24$ focusing specifically on the requirement to comply with IFC code Chapter 5, section 510.1 dealing with Emergency responder communication coverage in new buildings and IFC, Chapter 11, Section 1103.2, Emergency Responder Communication Coverage in Existing Buildings as well as Alyssa's Law requiring panic alarms.
What is an ERCES, why is it needed, and under what circumstances? How can you test your buildings? What funding is available? How can you deliver a successful project?
avatar for Jason Eyre

Jason Eyre

Technology Department Coordinator, Murray School DIstrict
Jason Eyre has worked in IT for over 30 years. Industry experiences include healthcare, government, agriculture, aerospace, information technology, software development, private corrections, and now education all with a focus on data and networking. Being active in implementing the... Read More →
avatar for John Foley

John Foley

Managing Director, Safer Buildings Coalition
In his role, John not only provides day to day Coalition management, but also develops and deploys SBC’s mission-driven thought leadership, public policy, and lobbying efforts. John has extensive experience in analyzing and developing positions for telecommunications regulatory... Read More →
avatar for David Herrmann

David Herrmann

Senior Business Analyst, Salt Lake City Fire Department
David Herrmann serves as Senior Business Systems Analyst for the Salt Lake City Fire Department. He oversees technology programs for emergency communications, including land mobile radio and wireless networks for mobile applications. During his time in public safety, he has also served... Read More →
avatar for Don Ipson

Don Ipson

Utah State Senator, Utah Senate
Utah Senator Don Ipson, Executive Appropriations Vice ChairRepublican District 29, Washington CountySenate sponsor of H.B.84Profession - BusinessmanProfessional Affiliations - Southern Utah Trucking Association (past president); Utah Trucking Association (past president); Dixie ATC... Read More →
avatar for Eric Toenjes

Eric Toenjes

National Market Manager, Wireless, Graybar
Eric Toenjes, MBA, National Market Manager – Wireless Solutions at Graybar, is responsible for setting strategy and working with the wireless ecosystem to bring best-in-class wireless solutions to Graybar’s customers. He has over 25 years of experience in the wireless market through... Read More →
avatar for Jared Vance

Jared Vance

DAS Manager, Hunt Electric, Inc.
Jared Vance – 30 years of overall Wireless experience. Has 20 years of radio experience with Motorola dealers designing, constructing, and deploying trunked, and other radio systems. Ten years ago, Jared started the DAS department within Hunt Electric focusing completely on In-Building... Read More →
Thursday June 12, 2025 1:15pm - 3:30pm MDT

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