PASSWORD: love2eduroam!


Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT
With the recent New Article about this "Hacking Device" and how it has been used to disrupt instruction in the classroom, we think it's time to "Talk about the FlipperZero".

This will be an overview discussion about the device, its capabilities, and how it is being used maliciously in the classroom. We will provide tools and materials to help train educators on how to recognize use of this device in the classroom. Additionally we will demonstrate some of it's capabilities. And we will give guidance on how to handle students who are exploring this technology appropriately.
avatar for David Bowman

David Bowman

David Bowman, Jordan School District
Systems and Security Manager at Jordan School District. Running our Security program for 58,000 students, 8,000 staff, and too many devices to enumerate. David has spent the last 8 years in and around technology in the K-12 environment. David's hobby is way too many Saintcon Minibadges... Read More →
avatar for Troy Jessup

Troy Jessup

Associate Director, UETN
Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT

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