PASSWORD: love2eduroam!


Thursday June 12, 2025 8:30am - 10:45am MDT
Learn how to set up streaming telemetry in your network! This workshop is a hands-on experience of setting up a basic collector, database, and visualization system like UEN's Telly/Weathermap. Basic CLI/Linux experience and your own computer is required, and container (Docker) knowledge is helpful but not necessary.

Rough outline of this workshop:
Part 1: We'll cover streaming telemetry and how it's different from traditional technologies
Part 2: Explanation of the software and how communication works
Part 3: Hands-on setup demo
Part 4: Explanation of metrics, data science & collection intro

Danial Ebling

Network Software Architect, Utah Education Telehealth Network
Thursday June 12, 2025 8:30am - 10:45am MDT
Room 217

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