PASSWORD: love2eduroam!


Thursday June 12, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
This session will explore MyVideoSpot’s SaaS solution for video management, how it is being used at Iron County Schools, and their push that led to the integration with UETN’s IVC system.

Teachers at Iron County Schools have been using the MyVideoSpot platform for the last two years, utilizing the built in tools for uploading instructional videos, creating video and screen recordings, safely sharing videos from external platforms such as YouTube and Vimeo, and then sharing those videos with their students via the provided Canvas integration. In addition to looking at the platform, we will look at the instrumental role that Iron County played with the integration of MyVideoSpot and UETN’s IVC system. As Iron County utilizes the IVC system for their instructor led courses, they wanted a simplified solution where the recorded courses from the IVC system were automatically populated into the district’s MyVideoSpot platform. We’ll take a closer look at this integrated solution, which now gives all of the teachers at Iron County easy access to the IVC video recordings for the courses their students are taking.
avatar for Travis Floyd

Travis Floyd

System Admin, Iron County School District
avatar for Michael Kessler

Michael Kessler

CEO, MyVideoSpot
Thursday June 12, 2025 8:30am - 9:30am MDT
Exhibitor Rm 206

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