PASSWORD: love2eduroam!


Wednesday June 11, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
The San Juan School District is implementing a custom benefits enrollment portal for its employees to select their benefits options for the coming plan year. SQL backend, .NET Core front end.

An overview of the process of planning and building a web app to facilitate employee open enrollment and selection of health, dental, etc. benefits for the coming plan year. Employee selections will then be exported to LINQ ERP. Includes data file export and transmission to various benefits providers. Explanation of various platforms and technologies used, including SQL Server, .NET Core, Powershell, SFTP, and EDI. Questions from a business administration standpoint will also be discussed.

avatar for Jonathan English

Jonathan English

Data Specialist, San Juan School District
The good news is: reality is not what we think it is.The bad news is: reality is not what we think it is.

Jacob Rebman

IT Programmer, San Juan School District
Wednesday June 11, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 215

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