PASSWORD: love2eduroam!


Wednesday June 11, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm MDT
Over the last several years and through the pandemic, K12 technologist across the state have made huge strides in providing educational technology tools/resources for enhancing educational technology tools/resources for extending education and distance learning through the use of technology. We will share key data points from the 2023 K12 Inventory and discuss how we are inventorying DT&L resources in the future. We will review and take feedback on the inventory reports and gather feedback for future inventories. Action items will be kept and used for the next integration for the inventory in 2025.

You may find the slide deck at https://docs.google.com/presentation/d/11kpW83PFJ_x_HMmPJHPYdXARmbyX_rpyxMxqbbL-QbY/edit?usp=sharing

avatar for Melanie Valentine, PhD (formerly Durfee)

Melanie Valentine, PhD (formerly Durfee)

Education Specialist, Utah State Board of Education
Melanie Valentine’s decades-long career spans many educational trends, from teaching with no technology, to the shift to at-home learning, to navigating AI. She has first-hand experience introducing personal computing to rural teachers in Utah and has classroom experience in several... Read More →
avatar for Jeff Egly

Jeff Egly

Associate Director, UEN
Wednesday June 11, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm MDT
Room 112 - Spartan Room

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