PASSWORD: love2eduroam!


Thursday June 12, 2025 1:15pm - 1:45pm MDT
Assessing and prioritizing critical components for a school district video surveillance policy. Includes: Technologies, Authorization, Access, Obligations, Responsibilities, Coverage, Storage, "What it is", "What it is not", and Interfacing with legal entities.

A detailed look into the components that are necessary to build a policy to manage video surveillance technologies, authorizations, expectations, and legal safeguards. It is easy for video recorded incidents to get out of hand very quickly if a policy does not already exist. Dozens of incidents, each year, are picked up on district video recording devices. Having a well-developed policy will ensure the school district does not find itself backed into a legal corner. Technologies, Authorizations, Obligations & Responsibilities, Coverage & Storage Strategies, and best practices will make it possible for your District Video Surveillance Policy to guide every incident that may be challenged by non-district related incidents, criminal incidents, events that become student record, and managing expectations of what "Is" or "Is Not" permitted (through policy).
avatar for Troy Lunt

Troy Lunt

Technology Director, Iron County School District
avatar for Randy Yardley

Randy Yardley

IT Manager, Iron County School District
Thursday June 12, 2025 1:15pm - 1:45pm MDT
Room 112 - Spartan Room

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