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Wednesday, June 11

1:15pm MDT

Update on UEN's Private Cellular Network – Wireless Access for Education
Wednesday June 11, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
UEN is developing a Private Cellular Network that is helping provide network access for students and educators for online, anywhere, and at any time education. We will share where we are currently and where we are going in the next year or two with this important technology/service. Come, learn and be part of the discussion. Panel discussion to include: Bryan Peterson, Derrick Taylor, Brad Morris, Scott Larson, Chris Monson, Jeff Egly, Jim Stewart, Scott Harpster, and other stakeholders

Quick overview of the project and our 18 month plan, including sites involved and sharing current use cases. (technologists around the state will cover the use cases) - 10 Min Share and discuss our progress on Neutral host in several areas in the state - 10 Min Share and discuss our progress standing up 5G systems, including 5G CORE and RAN technologies - 10 Min Share and discuss our SIMs and eSIMS solution - 10 Min Share and discuss the user group's UE and CPE recommendations - 10 Min Q&A and Wrap Up - 10 Min
avatar for Jeff Egly

Jeff Egly

Associate Director, UEN
avatar for Scott Harpster

Scott Harpster

System Engineer, Southwest Educational Development Center
System Engineer at SEDC and have been with SEDC for 10 years.

Scott Larsen

Transport Engineer, UETN

Chris Monson

Sr. Transport Engineer, UETN

Brad Morris

Sr Transport Engineer, UETN
avatar for Bryan Peterson

Bryan Peterson

Associate Director, UEN
Currently employed at Utah Education & Telehealth Network since 1995, current position is Technical Services Associate Director over Enterprise Systems and Software Development. Bryan has held various positions in the IT field over the last 25 years, Systems Admin, Database Admin... Read More →
avatar for Jim Stewart

Jim Stewart

James L. Stewart has 40 years of experience working in the technology profession. He is currently the Chief Technology Officer (CTO) for the state-wide Utah Education and TeleHealth Network (UETN) organization and has been working directly the past 21 years supporting technology for... Read More →
avatar for Cory Stokes

Cory Stokes

Senior Project Manager, UEN
Cory Stokes has worked in educational technology for more than 30 years. He has worked as a technology coordinator in a district, a technology director at a regional service center and is now managing statewide digital teaching and learning initiatives and projects in Utah. He works... Read More →

Derrick Taylor

Network Operations Engineer, UETN
Wednesday June 11, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 225

2:30pm MDT

Unlocking the Power of Private Networks: Revolutionizing Education and Telehealth with LTE/5G
Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT
In this session, we'll delve into the transformative potential of private networks LTE/5G in revolutionizing the landscape of education and telehealth services. Through a combination of insightful discussion and practical examples, attendees will gain a comprehensive understanding of how these advanced networking technologies can empower institutions and healthcare providers to deliver seamless, high-quality experiences to their users.

Key Points: 1. Introduction to Private Networks LTE/5G: • Overview of LTE/5G technology and its significance in the context of private networks. • Exploring the unique advantages of private networks for educational and telehealth applications. 2. Building Blocks of Private Networks: • Infrastructure requirements and considerations for deploying private LTE/5G networks. • Insight into spectrum allocation, network architecture, and security protocols. 3. Use Cases and Success Stories: • Real-world examples showcasing the diverse applications of private networks in education and telehealth. • Case studies highlighting the benefits of enhanced connectivity, reliability, and data security. 4. Challenges and Solutions: • Addressing common challenges in implementing private networks, such as interoperability and scalability. • Strategies for overcoming barriers and maximizing the potential of LTE/5G technology. 5. Future Trends and Opportunities: • Emerging trends and innovations shaping the future of private networks in education and telehealth. • Opportunities for collaboration and partnership to drive further advancements in connectivity and service delivery. 6. Q&A and Interactive Discussion: • Engaging with attendees to address their questions, concerns, and insights. • Facilitating an interactive dialogue to foster knowledge sharing and networking opportunities.


Craig King

VP, Discountcell
Discountcell provides LTE routers (Cradlepoint, Sierra Wireless, Peplink, Digi Intl, Inseego) and antennas (Panorama, Airgain, TaoGlass) on the Utah State Contract at significant discounts.  We also offer pre and post sale support and configuration assistance.  Booster for mobile... Read More →
Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT
Room 225

3:45pm MDT

How 5G Makes Schools Safer with Enhanced Physical Security Solutions
Wednesday June 11, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm MDT
We will be covering multiple topics in our presentation that all fall under the security robotics umbrella to explain what they do and how they work. We will discuss the different forms of security robots that are currently available in the market today, towers, vehicles, and quadrupeds and discuss their unique advantages and disadvantages. Connectivity- we will discuss how these robots interface with a network and how UETN schools can leverage their private networks to deploy industry 4.0 solutions such as these robots. Robot Offerings- we will discuss the two models of robots that are available from Trilogy NextGen today and their features and capabilities that differentiate them from other products in the market. Smart+/Integrations- we will discuss the smart+ software and how it integrates with the schools existing vms to create a seamless view for security staff to monitor and utilize the robots. Analytics Use Cases- Going over the out of the box ai analytics that are available today and also discuss the integration of other video analytics packages into the robots cameras.

Provide an overview of the advantages and use cases of autonomous security robots to help protect schools inside and out. Demystify the "terminator" or "robocop" sentiment, explain that this is a solution ready for implementation today, not 5 years down the road.

Varun Vashisht

Vice President ‑ Sales & Strategy, Trilogy NextGen
Broadcast, Private 5G, CBRS, TV, media, Robotics, security
Wednesday June 11, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm MDT
Room 225
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