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Venue: Room 223 clear filter
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Wednesday, June 11

2:30pm MDT

Transitioning to VoIP and Self-Hosting with FreePBX
Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT
Explore a transition to VoIP and self-hosting with FreePBX, navigating regulatory compliance, remote phone provisioning, dynamic routes, and innovative modules. Discover how these solutions can enhance communication for your schools.
In an era where seamless communication is imperative, some districts in the SEDC region are exploring Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) technologies to enhance their communication infrastructure. This presentation delves into our office's successful migration to VoIP and self-hosting a FreePBX system, offering insights and lessons learned that can benefit school and district tech teams and management. Key highlights include navigating regulatory compliance, such as Ray Baum's and Kari's Laws, ensuring emergency services are readily accessible. We'll explore the intricacies of remote phone provisioning, simplifying device setup and management for distributed school networks. Additionally, we'll discuss the optimization of call paths and the implementation of dynamic routes, enabling efficient call routing tailored to school-specific needs. Attendees will discover the versatility of FreePBX through exploration of various modules designed to streamline operations and enhance communication capabilities. Join us to learn how embracing VoIP and self-hosting with FreePBX can empower your school or district with robust, flexible, and cost-effective communication solutions tailored to the education sector's unique requirements.
avatar for Scott Harpster

Scott Harpster

System Engineer, Southwest Educational Development Center
System Engineer at SEDC and have been with SEDC for 10 years.
avatar for McKay Thompson

McKay Thompson

System Specialist, Southwest Educational Development Center
McKay Thompson, the System’s Specialist, provides professional technical help and support to district and charter school technology directors and other support staff. McKay provides expert support for Windows, Mac, Linux, firewalls,
Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT
Room 223
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