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Wednesday, June 11

1:15pm MDT

Education DMZ - Democratizing Access to Science
Wednesday June 11, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Education DMZ adapts the Science DMZ concept to community colleges and high schools, providing a platform for science data and instrument access, collaboration, and delivery of STEM teaching, with the goal of getting science to students as early as possible in their academic careers.

This session would take the form of a workshop, combining: 1. Presentation material on the concepts of Education DMZ and democratization of science 2. Open discussion on architecture and function of Education DMZ 3. Description and discussion about science drivers and achieving democratization of science.

Jen Leasure

President, The Quilt

James McCabe

Sun Corridor
Wednesday June 11, 2025 1:15pm - 2:15pm MDT
Room 213

2:30pm MDT

The Flipper Zero and its Impact on Education
Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT
With the recent New Article about this "Hacking Device" and how it has been used to disrupt instruction in the classroom, we think it's time to "Talk about the FlipperZero".

This will be an overview discussion about the device, its capabilities, and how it is being used maliciously in the classroom. We will provide tools and materials to help train educators on how to recognize use of this device in the classroom. Additionally we will demonstrate some of it's capabilities. And we will give guidance on how to handle students who are exploring this technology appropriately.
avatar for David Bowman

David Bowman

David Bowman, Jordan School District
Systems and Security Manager at Jordan School District. Running our Security program for 58,000 students, 8,000 staff, and too many devices to enumerate. David has spent the last 8 years in and around technology in the K-12 environment. David's hobby is way too many Saintcon Minibadges... Read More →
avatar for Troy Jessup

Troy Jessup

Associate Director, UETN
Wednesday June 11, 2025 2:30pm - 3:30pm MDT

3:45pm MDT

Striking the Right Balance: Safeguarding Student Data While Enabling Secure Sharing
Wednesday June 11, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm MDT
Through real-world examples from Iron County’s implementation, you'll discover how easy-to-use encryption can provide a seamless experience for securely sharing privileged information with approved parties across diverse technology environments and accounts. We'll also explore use cases that ensure compliance with regulations such as HIPAA, FERPA, and CIS controls.
Attendees will gain insights into common privacy pitfalls when schools share student data outside their networks, understanding and meeting legal requirements, evaluating risks of different communication workflows, and adopting user-friendly data protection solutions for seamless communications.
The session will provide a framework for developing a secure student data sharing strategy, drawing on privacy best practices, technical approaches, and lessons learned. Attendees will also receive a brief overview of modern encryption solutions like Virtru that balance robust security with usability.
avatar for Troy Lunt

Troy Lunt

Technology Director, Iron County School District
avatar for Ken Munford

Ken Munford

Network & Security Manager, Iron County School District
Wednesday June 11, 2025 3:45pm - 4:45pm MDT
Room 213
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